Yuichi Murata's Engineering Blog


言語の壁が辛い…。国際化するチームを束ねる鍵は「ロゼッタストーン」にあり ー Organization i18n

原文: Why No English? Inscribe Your Rosetta Stone to Unite the Team — Organization i18n | by Yuichi Murata | Medium

ドキュメントの力 Power of Documents


Documents have power. That’s why people care about documents. Documents are immutable. The original message gets conveyed to all the people in the organization, unlike the telephone game. The idea lasts forever even after the author left the company.


One of the feedback I hear the most when newcomers get onboard is that there is no document. In addition in internationalizing organization, people complain there is no English document. There is a good amount of local documents. However, there are fewer English documents since it is in process of internationalization. How we can improve the situation?


Most of the internationalizing organization try to encourage people to write docs in English. This is a tough process. It takes a long time to make the whole organization transition to the English bases completely. Local members are comfortable and efficient to work in the local language.


Hiring interpreters is a medicine with side effects. The presence of an interpreter provides an excuse for people not to write docs in English. This can even slow the internationalizing process down. Maintaining local and English docs is also a challenge. As the amount of the document increases, the gap of the documents increases. This can make asymmetric access to information between local and global members.


We need a better approach to maintain documents in an internationalizing organization.

不思議な石の話 Mysterious Stone

1799 年、フランスの軍人がナイル川沿いの都市近郊を遠征中に不思議な石を見つけた。その石には3つの異なる言語で文章が刻まれていた。54 行のギリシャ文字と 32 行のデモティック、そして 14 行のヒエログリフである。その軍人が祖国に石を持ち帰ると、多くの学者が興味を示した。そして彼らは 3 つの言語で同じ文章が書かれていることを突き止めた。当時、古代エジプト文字は完全な未知の世界であった。学者たちはその石を解読しようと試みた。2 人の学者が重要な発見をした。1 人はイギリス出身の学者で、もうひとりはフランス出身の学者だ。最終的にこれらの研究が実を結び、2 種類の古代エジプト文字は解読された。これらの成果が古代エジプトの諸研究に大きな前進をもたらした。もしこの石が見つからなかったら、多くのエジプトの歴史は未だに明らかにされていなかったかもしれない。

In 1799, a French military in service found a mysterious stone found near some town in Nile Delta. The stone contains texts in three different languages, 54 lines of greek, 32 lines of demotic, and 14 lines of hieroglyph. After the military brings the stone back to France, many scholars get interested in the stone. They eventually noticed that the texts are the exact same trilingual instruction. At that time, ancient Egyptian was a complete myth. Scholars worked hard to decipher the mysterious stone. Key studies are made by two men, one from England and another from France. Eventually both the demotic and the hieroglyph are deciphered. These key studies contribute to major progress in ancient Egyptian studies. If the stone was not found, a major part of Egyptian history might stay in mystery today.

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rosetta_Stone.JPG © Hans Hillewaert / CC BY-SA 4.0


Rosetta Stone provides us some clues to us from this story.


First, trilingual instructions make sure that all the people understand the same idea. The contents of the stone are admiring Ptolemy V. Hieroglyph should be effective to highly educated local people to understand the dignity of Ptolemy V. Demotic allow all local people to understand the same. Greek text allows people from another empire can also understand the message.

2つ目に、3 つの言語で書かれた文章は人々にメッセージを「解読」させるよう仕向けるということだ。ロゼッタストーンはその内容を解読させようと、学者たちの好奇心をくすぐった。これはギリシャ語で全く同じ文章が書かれていたが故にできたことだ。何しろ当時は古代エジプト文字を読むことはだれしも出来なかったのだから。

Second, trilingual instructions made people trying to decipher the message. The stone inspires scholars to decipher the contents. Having the exact same contents in Greek allow scholars to understand the contents even though they have no idea how to read ancient Egyptians.

ロゼッタストーンはチームをつなぐ Rosetta Stone Unites the Team


Writing documents like Rosetta Stone is quite effective in internationalizing organization. Some companies use this approach for very important documents (like company philosophy book). I recommend this approach also on day-to-day work. If you are a bilingual talent, write bilingual documents. It is an extra burden for you but your message will be effectively conveyed to everybody in the organization. If you are not bilingual talent, write the doc in your word first. Then, let’s ask bilingual talent (or interpreter) to write the interpretation. The key point is maintaining interpretation in the same document instead of preparing another version of the document. Line by line interpretation is ideal.


このアプローチは日本語と英語を読めるそれぞれのメンバーが同一の内容を理解できるようにする。行ごとの翻訳はそれぞれの文章が完全に一致することを保証する。それぞれの人がまさしく同じ情報にアクセスできていると感じる。そして万一翻訳が落ちていた場合、その箇所が明らかになる。もしあなたたが Confluence のような共同編集型のドキュメンテーションツールを使っているなら、気がついた人が自然に内容を埋めようとするだろう。

This will allow both local and global talent can fully understand the contents. Line by line interpretations guarantees that they are identical. People feel they are accessible to the same information. It also highlights the missing interpretation. If you are working with a collaborative documentation tool (like Confluence), people naturally try to fix the gap.


Rosetta Stone's approach also makes people to “decipher” the other language. Even understanding some phrases are effective. Every company has its own key vocabularies. And the key vocabularies are typically connected to company philosophy. Global members are able to learn these key vocabularies with the implications of the local language. The local members have much more chance to learn English. This learning process is much effective than textbooks since it is a much practical phrase to the work.

歴史から賢く学ぼう。紀元前 196 年からダイバーシティあふれる人々を束ねるための術を、我々人類が有していたことは実に興味深いものである。

Let’s learn from the history. It is quite interesting that we as human beings already have the answer to unite diverse teams from 196 BC.